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Tag Archives: kapok fibres

The Amazing Benefits of Sleeping on Kapok Fiber Pillows – Wake Up Refreshed Every Morning!

We all know how important a good night’s sleep is for our physical and mental well-being. But did you know that the type of pillow you sleep on can also make a huge difference? Introducing the Kapok fiber pillow – a natural alternative to traditional pillows that promises to revolutionize your sleep routine. But what […]

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Is Kapok Manufacturers And All Of Its Product Environmentally Friendly?

The concern of global warming is one of the reasons why people start to go back and use a natural product. One of them is Kapok, which is an alternative of cotton and syntactic fiber. Many kapok manufacturers underline that their work and product is always environmentally friendly. But does it? How could they say […]

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The Flower Language Of Kapok – A Popular Resource For Kapok Filling In Indonesia

Kapok or Ceiba Pentandra is one of many fiber-producing plants. The humongous tree can provide tons of kapok fiber for local manufacturers. Then, it proceeds and is made into kapok filling. But behind its versatile utilization, the tree has some mesmerizing ways to thrive in the rainforest. From its method, there are meanings behind it. […]

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What Make Kapok Lost its Popularity? Here is The Explanation

Where are always reasons for something that has gone or lost in the worldwide market. In this case, is the Kapok fiber material. The natural plant-based material, starting to lose its popularity and forgotten in modern days. In some places, kapok manufacturers might still operate as it used to be. But what makes the soft […]

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Natural Kapok Fiber is the Pride of Many Kapok Manufacturers

When synthetic materials haven’t hit the globe, Kapok Randu is one of the best fillings in the whole world. It even stated that the production in the 1900s was pretty much the biggest commodity in Indonesia and worldwide. However, in the 2000s, many kapok manufacturers production was depleting. Is it gone? Here is what you […]

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What Should You Not Do With Kapok Fiber?

Everything has its downside, including the soft and buoyant natural fiber “Kapok“. The plant-based material is very much used for many pillow, mattress, or toys stuffing. It is soft, clean, chemical-free, and light. But many kapok fibre suppliers will agree on some points, which are about what you should avoid. What are they? Check this […]

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