Stuffing Kapok Fiber Organic One Container 40 HC to CV. Memindo

Stuffing Kapok Fiber One Container 40 HC to CV. Memindo

Kapok Fiber Suppliers

CV. Memindo is a company that is active in the field of export, with more focus on manufacturing export trade and export training for local and foreign companies. Some of the CV export commodities are Kapok and Gum Damar (shorea javanica) with different degrees and different warehouses as well.
Various export activities from CVs. Handling such as handling documents, marketing/promotion, production, and stuffing. Stuffing is one of the most important activities because stuffing containers is a process of loading goods into the container to then be shipped to the destination location. Therefore, stuffing activities should be sufficient to pay attention.

Sruffing Kapok Fiber Supplier

On Saturday, August 10, 2024 CV. Memindo performed stuffing activities of products Kapok Fiber Wholesale on Dry container size 40”. The total product sent 170 bales with a total dirty weight 18.344,60 Kg and a total net weight 17.834,60 kg. The export destination country is Malaysia. In the stuffing process, various energies are deployed to streamline stuffing activities. That is, from the workforce to putting goods into containers, students to carry out checklist and checklist controls and documentation of all stuffing processes.

With a solid stakeholder, the stuffing process is likely to run smoothly as planned. The stuffing process on Saturday, August 10, 2024 has taken about five hours. Since the location of the warehouse or warehouse is far enough from where the stuffing is done, then it is quite reduced to the efficiency of the process of stuffing, however CV. Memindo has a solution to the matter, that is, with the mode of transportation using trucks and caps loaded in such a way that the truck only needs to turn around for 4-5 times. And normally the stuffing process of Organic Fiber Kapok can be completed from 8am to 2pm.

In addition to the obstacles, the other obstacles to the stuffing process are also quite complex. For example, a cape that is too expanding so that putting it into a container requires more energy, the layout of the cape should be arranged in such a way that the total product to be shipped can be loaded in one container as originally planned. And it’s all organized by the CV. We as exporters need to know what obstacles are going to happen in the field so that before the stuffing process occurs we can already analyze and anticipate early so that the activities on the field or stuffing can go as planned.

Stuffing Kapok Fiber Wholesale

Office: Jl. Ir. Soekarno No. 11 Beji, Kota Batu 65323, Jawa Timur Indonesia
Tel: +62 341 597488 – Cell phone: + 62 85655501495
Warehouse :
1.Jl. Raya Suwayuwo Sukorejo-Pandaan
2.Jl.Pasrepan-Pasuruan-Jawa Timur
Website: – Email:

Source by : Zaki Maki