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Four Benefits of Kapok Filling for Environment

The kapok tree is grown in the rainforest of tropical countries. In the forest, kapok trees can easily be identified because the trunk is large up to three meters in diameter. Since kapok trees are grown by themselves without any human involvement or additional chemicals, it is safe for the environment. In case you want to know other benefits of kapok filling, here is the explanation.

4 Benefits of Using Kapok for Environment

Kapok Filling

Kapok Free of Chemicals and Non-toxic

Kapok grows naturally in the rainforest and does not require treatment from humans. Then they will be harvested to manufacture pillows without using chemicals, fertilizers, or any pesticides and ready for sale. For these reasons, kapok is a toxic material that can be used as the main substance for many purposes, such as pillow, upholstery, and mattresses.

Not only have that, for products they don’t need to be treated with chemicals that are safe for the environment surrounding, especially kapok trees. Thus, kapok trees are naturally safe to use for any purpose. Besides, the cotton from the kapok tree is 100% natural materials and fibers organic.

The production of Kapok Doesn’t Need Additional Material or Any Chemicals

The production of kapok doesn’t need additional chemicals in the production process. For these reasons, it is safe for the environment. Before this material is ready to be used as kapok filling for pillows, mattresses, and so on, they need to undertake several stages of processing. The processing from harvesting, sorting and making the product.

The first step is, kapok will be harvested from the rainforest. Then kapok must be sorted out before drying off. In this process, kapok doesn’t need special treatment or additional material to dry. They need to be dried under the sun for 3 to 5 hours until completely dry. After that, kapok can be used for filling the pillow, mattresses, and other upholstery.

Kapok Have Biodegradability Aspects that Safe for Environment


Another interesting thing about kapok is the environment-friendly aspect. They are lightweight, non-toxic, and biodegradable. Kapok consists of numerous substances that are easy to decompose. Kapok can be destroyed by other living organisms that come from plants or animals. Not only have that, but kapok waste from the production of manufactures also can be easily degradable and safe for the environment.

All Part of Kapok Has Many Uses and Free Waste

The kapok tree has many uses both for humans and the environment. The woods are lightweight and porous that is excellent for making carvings and canoes. The fibers that disperse the seed hare used for bedding. Soaps can be made from the oils in the seeds. The skin part of the wood can be used as additional material for compost. It means kapok are free to waste.

All in all, kapok is one of the best materials to use for pillows, upholstery, and mattresses. They are an excellent option to choose from since grown in the rainforest without the involvement of human treatment. Thus, they are safe for the environment because there are additional chemicals in both growing or processing the product. If you want to have an excellent quality kapok fiber filling you can visit

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