kapok fibre manufacturers

Find Out How to Cultivate Indonesian Kapok Tree for Kapok Fiber Manufacturers

Numerous people are stating that kapok trees can live in marginal land and dry areas. This statement is not completely wrong, but this plant also can’t grow well in the region like Indramayu, Bojonegoro, and NTT. It also can’t grow in a wet area, such as Sumatra and West Java. Thus, here is the information on how to cultivate kapok trees that are used for kapok fiber manufacturers.

The Preparation to Cultivate Kapok Tree

Seed Plant

Preparing Seed Plant

Plant seeds can come from various methods of planting, such as seeds, or cuttings. In this case, captivate breeding with seeds is preceded by a seedbed. Besides that, the essential thing to cultivate kapok trees is the condition of the soil. The soil surface is made fluctuate so that it is easy to pass water drainage.

This is because the stagnant water will be fatal to young kapok plants. That’s why the spacing that must be measured is 20 cm x 20 cm by using three seeds per hole. Another effective way to cultivate kapok trees is by spreading kapok seeds into the ground that is ready for use. However, this method requires more treatment and handling.

Plant Distance

The best plant distance is depending on the types of kapok that will be planted. Generally, kapok trees should not be planted near each other. The excellent distance in the plantation or farm is 8 meters x 8 meters to 10 meters x 10 meters. By this method, it will make the kapok tree grow well to produce the kapok seeds that are used by kapok fiber manufacturers.

Intercropping Plants

Annual plants can be planted between kapok trees as intercrop plants. According to several studies, kapok will grow well when combined with other crops, such as the cacao plant. Cocoa plants can be the right solution for efficient land use and can be harvested quickly. Not only that, but yam plants also can combine with kapok trees.

Plant Maintenance

Kapok Tree

Kapok trees have minimum maintenance to make them grow well. The farmer only gets rid of dead branches and nuisance plants. Besides, fertilization only needs to be done twice a year, namely at the beginning and end of the rainy season. The dosage used depends on the age of the plant and the needs based on the existing soil. The older the kapok tree will make the higher dose that must be given.

Yield per Tree Based on per Unit Area

The results of the kapok harvest will be determined in the environment. A kapok tree can produce 4000 to 5000 fruit, which means about 15 to 20 kilograms of clean kapok fiber. Meanwhile, cottonwood trees planted at an ideal distance will produce 25 thousand fruits per tree. However, in reality, the production per unit area may vary due to soil fluctuation.

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to cultivate kapok trees. Starting from preparing seed plants, distance, maintenance, and the result of kapok trees per year are the most essential ways to produce kapok fiber filling in excellent quality. For further information about kapok, you can access it at kapokfibersuppliers.com.