Kapok is one of the natural materials from the seed hairs or seed pods of the kapok tree. This tree can yield about 330 to 440 fruits per year under the optimal condition, with each fruit containing 200 seeds. These fruits can produce in the certain stuffing. But before this natural material is used as a filling of pillows and other stuff, here are processes of kapok fiber suppliers that you should know.
The Processing of Kapok Fiber Filling That You Should Know

Harvesting from Kapok Tree
The first step in processing kapok fiber is harvesting. Harvesting has to be done when the fruit is ripe from the tree. The pods that are gathered when kapok fall on the ground or it can be cut from the tree. Seed pods are harvested by hand and closed seed pods are beaten with bamboo sticks and stones to break hard husks and reach the fibers.
Before kapok can be used, it would be better if using the dried kapok from the kapok tree. To indicate the kapok is ready to harvest, the fruits will wrinkle the brownish skin of the kapok fruit and the kapok fibers sticking out of the skin. Then, the kapok is ready to be sorted out in the factory and be processed.
Sorting Out The Dry Kapok
After that, the kapok should be sorted out at the factory. This process will be done by sorting out the cotton logs that are completely dry and still wet. This is possibly due to exposure to rain or cottonwood logs that are not too dry. Kapok logs that have not been dry, should be dried under the sun until they are completely dehydrated.
Peeling the Kapok Skin

The next process is peeling the kapok skin to separate the kapok fibers from the log skin. This process is done manually with human labor. Then, kapok fibers and the cotton need to be separated from fruits to do the next process. This process of kapok fiber suppliers is also carried out manually without a machine.
Drying of Fiber
Kapok that has been separated from the fruit, then dried under the sun for 3 to 5 hours until it is dry by frequently stirring or turning. To do this process, it needs a special place. This place is made of walls which the top is covered with mosquito nets, while the floor is made of plaster concrete. This is because it prevents cotton fibers that are not scattered.
Separation of The Kapok Fiber From The Seeds
After that, there is still one process to be done, namely separate from the seeds. It is because the kapok still contains the kapok seeds. In this process, it can be done with a separated machine or milling equipment. The equipment that is used is a diesel mechanic. The working principle machine separated kapok with seed in the vacuum machine.
In conclusion, there are five steps in processing kapok fiber filling. The first is harvesting the kapok fruit from the kapok tree. It is better to choose dried kapok from the tree. Then, the kapok needs to be sorting out from the dried and wet cotton. After that, kapok needs to be dried under the sun for 3 to 5 hours until completely hydrated. For further information, you can check kapokfibersuppliers.com.