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What Make Kapok Lost its Popularity? Here is The Explanation

Where are always reasons for something that has gone or lost in the worldwide market. In this case, is the Kapok fiber material. The natural plant-based material, starting to lose its popularity and forgotten in modern days. In some places, kapok manufacturers might still operate as it used to be. But what makes the soft cotton-like fiber gone? Here are some of the answers.

The Reasons for Disappearance Of Kapok Material

Kapok Material

The Losing Interest

In Asia, especially Southeast Asia, the material is still one of the familiar products for stuffing. While it might sound that the popularity is striving, but the production and selling are greatly plummeting in recent years. It is because the kapok enthusiast is mainly the older generation, while the younger one prefers the cheaper and more convenient material.

In this case, the main example is the depleting production of kapok pillow and mattress. The younger generation prefers a dacron or even memory foam. While older people try to stay with the aged kapok for years. The kapok itself is unsuitable for spinning, which doubles the effect of decreasing the manufacturing productions.

The Rise Of Synthetics Fabric

At some point, many kapok manufacturers try to figure out how they can beat the uprising synthetic fabric or fibers. One of the ways is using the by-product to make a different kind of worth to sell items. In this case, the manufacturers process the disposed-of seed to make kapok seed oil (KSO) and kapok seed meal (KSM). It has proven that the effort is worth it.

The kapok export is increasing bit by bit. It is due to the extremely potential materials such as KSO and KSM. But still, the popularity of synthetic fabric is hard to beat. It is pretty much easier to make, affordable, and also durable. Aside from being factory-made products with chemical processes and substances, but people are still looking and buying the product.

Manual Processing And Higher Price

Kapok Filling

Another dilemma comes from the manual and hard labor process. The kapok tree is very tall and can provide the fiber for a certain time. It is incomparable with the laborious method of manufacturing. The worker should harvest by hand, then separate the fiber and its seed by hand. It takes time, thus the price is getting higher and more expensive.

The Population Of Kapok Tree Is Depleting

Another unfortunate thing is the depleting of the kapok tree. The population somehow got smaller in recent days, making the manufacturing process plummet. But it doesn’t mean there are no problem-solving ideas. Manufacturers started to cultivate the tree by planting it in specific areas, such as in the mountain slope and riverbed.

All in all, you can tell that the problem faced by many kapok factories is losing interest in natural fiber. Many people are starting to use more convenient and cheaper materials such as sponges and synthetic fibers. Kapok production is also laborious, which makes it very expensive. But, it doesn’t make kapok lose reputation. You can prove it by buying kapok fiber filling through

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